The Thalassemia Association of Piedmont would like to inform you that the Centre (unit) for the treatment of Thalassemia has been definitely moved from Regina Margherita Hospital in Turin to S. Luigi Gonzaga Hospital in Orbassano.
SS Microcitemie – 3rd floor
Administration office: tel. 011/9026851 fax 011/9026850
email Centro di Microcitemie:
For further information on the Centre (Unit) Click here
All the notices published on this website are not officially released by the Centre.
The Association reports the news published by the Centre on its notice board or on its official website. For further details is better to contact directly the Centre.
The picture above represents the premises of the centre. To zoom it and to visualize the path from the entrance of the hospital, to the Centre (Unit)
Image of inside the centre Microcitemie of Torino